Petrol partnered with Comscore to measure and understand the impact of JBL brand integrations in the Quantum Cup livestream.
Petrol incorporated the JBL branding and messaging into six Twitch livestreams during the Quantum Cup. The agency measured the brand integrations by using Comscore’s Branded Content solution – a software platform that combines both human intelligence and algorithmic technology.
Campaign Setup
Comscore is selected to test performance of JBL branding and messaging incorporated into the Quantum Cup livestream.
Campaign Activated
Comscore’s Branded Content powered by Hive runs a competitive evaluation testing 6 Twitch Streams through December 17- December 19, 2021.
With software combining Human Intelligence and Algorithmic Technology, each brand integration segment was classified, and system algorithms were applied to scale values to produce media metrics.
Performance Measured
Comscore measures campaign performance for the following:
Comscore’s Branded Content identified the optimal mix of streams that contributed to the most impactful media value, driving better ROI. As a result, the JBL campaign visual exposure resulted in $846 thousand in media value.
Out of all streams, Fortnite North America Playoffs was the largest contributor of visual content, generating 46% of total Media Value.
While there is a more balanced share of audio exposure, Fortnite North America Playoffs generated the highest total of Audio Media Value™.
Headphones content generated 30% of the total Media Value and total Equivalent 30s Ad Units.