- 2013年9月25日
Nearly 7 million Internet Users in Italy Access Government Sites
7 million people in Italy accessed a government site during August 2013, reaching 21 percent of the total internet audience.
The top 5 sites in the Government category, which includes Government and Public Administration sites, all showed strong growth figures over the past year. In August 2013, Inps.it was the most popular Italian government destination with nearly 2 million unique visitors, an increase of 115 percent compared to August last year.
Agenziaentrate.gov.it was in second place with more than a million users and achieved the largest growth in unique visitors over the year (up 117 percent). Istruzione.it ranked third with 999,000 visitors, whilst Poliziadistato.it and Difesa.it completed the top 5 ranking with 578,000 users (up 53 percent) and 437,000 users (up 86 percent) respectively.