- 2013年12月16日
Swedish Consumers are Spending More Time Planning Their Holidays Online
Going online to research and plan holidays or access travel information is an increasingly popular activity amongst internet users in Sweden. The time spent on the major travel websites in Sweden (excluding public transportation sites) has grown from an average of 20.9 minutes spent per visitor in October 2012 to 25.7 minutes in October 2013. This trend presents travel brands with new opportunities to reach and interact with a more engaged online audience.
In October this year, 3.1 million Swedish internet users visited a Travel site - an increase of 5.8 percent compared to the same month last year. Priceline.com Incorporated leads the rankings with 412 000 visitors, followed by Expedia Inc and Norwegian Air with 317 000 and 270 000 unique visitors respectively. Priceline.com Incorporated and Thomas Cook Group PLC achieved the highest engagement during the month as users spent an average of 25.7 and 20.3 minutes on their site respectively.