- 2014年9月3日
Top Properties in Argentina for News/Information Sites by Mobile Devices
The increasing adoption of mobile devices in the world has changed not only the communication landscape, but how we read the news now about what´s happening around us every day. Here are the top properties in Argentina for the News/Information Category by mobile device.
We can see that Grupo Clarin is in the first position with more than 4 million unique visitors through Android Phones, 279 thousand through Android Tablets and 204 thousand through iPhones. In second place is Grupo La Nacion with 1.7 million unique visitors through Android Phones, 136 thousand through Android Tablets and 147 thousand through iPhones. The third position is for Infobae.com with 1.7 MM unique visitors by Android Phones, 117 thousand through Android Tablets and 119 thousand through iPhones.
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