- 2014年9月25日
The State of the Mobile Industry
Comscore Chairman Emeritus and Co-Founder, Gian Fulgoni, was the keynote speaker at Heartland Mobile Council's #MOBIU2014 Week: Mobilize Your Mind summit, delivering an address on the state of the mobile industry.
In this presentation, Gian Fulgoni provides an in-depth view into the latest trends in mobile marketing to help you stay on top of the industry.
Some key takeaways include:
- The leading media properties now see 30% or more of their monthly audiences coming exclusively from mobile platforms.
- App usage represents the majority (52%) of digital engagement, but each consumer’s usage is concentrated on just a few apps.
- More than 1 in 10 digital commerce dollars is now spent using mobile devices and is growing rapidly.
- Time spent viewing TV content is not declining, but is fragmenting across devices, with more devices driving higher engagement.