- 2014年9月15日

UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper: A Customer Experience Study

演讲者: Susan Engleson, Senior Director at Comscore and Bala Ganesh, Retail Segment Marketing Director at UPS

Today’s consumers are complex, and want the ability to search for and purchase products when, where and on whatever device they please. This demand for cross-channel convenience begs the question: How can retailers provide a superior shopping experience across channels that also increases brand loyalty?

For the third year in a row, Comscore and UPS explore what customers expect during their online shopping experience, plus how mobile and social are changing buying trends. Susan Engleson, Senior Director at Comscore and Bala Ganesh, Retail Segment Marketing Director at UPS, cover topics in the presentation such as:

  • The impact that search and online browsing are having on the shopping experience.
  • How mobile and social impact purchases and the customer experience both online and offline.
  • How shipping and delivery factors, as well as the post-purchase experience, encourage (or discourage) brand loyalty.
  • The ways in which retailers can use findings from the study to enhance the customer experience – and ultimately increase sales – before, during and after a purchase.

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