Driving Incremental Reach Through Targeted Advertisement Channels

Matthew Wiesemann
Matthew Wiesemann
Senior Manager, Marketing
How An Agency Leveraged Highly Targetable Connected TV Inventory to Achieve Incremental Reach Beyond PC and Mobile Audiences For A Financial Client

In an era where digital ad spend is increasingly fragmented across various platforms, optimizing campaign reach can be a challenge. By leveraging in-flight CCR measurement, clients can gain deeper insights into audience exposure to inform targeting strategy updates and extend reach beyond conventional PC and mobile channels.

The Scenario

After running a PC/Mobile-specific ad campaign, an agency seeks to use CTV to continue driving incremental reach for a financial client. While PC and mobile platforms were generating substantial engagement, key audience segments remained untapped, leading to diminished campaign effectiveness.

The Solution

Number 1

Implement CCR using Comscore’s easy-to-append digital tag to capture valuable campaign delivery metrics across both standard age and gender and extended demographic audiences.

Number 2

Use reporting tools to analyze collected data and identify key demographics with growth potential. Look for patterns or gaps in current reach to pinpoint areas where the campaign can be expanded for greater impact.

Number 3

Update the media mix to include highly targetable CTV inventory with a focus on reaching previously unexposed audiences utilizing the reporting insights to tailor your approach and maximize overall reach.

The Results

The agency used local-level platform overlap reporting to demonstrate their strategy’s strong CTV targeting and prove value of increased CTV budgets.

Key Insights

99.96% of unique P18+ audience exposed on CTV was reached exclusively on CTV and not exposed to PC/Mobile demonstrating strong digital targeting capabilities and the ability to effectively increase net new Reach across the campaign

Venn Diagram