- 31 mai 2019

The Lovers and Haters

We recently ran a poll on social regarding how people feel about data and the results were a little surprising.

Our CEO Tania Yuki had posed the question at the start of the week, What is Your Data Personality?

So we decided to ask around and see whether people identified as:

  • Data Avoiders: who feel sick at the mention of data.
  • Data Curious: those who think it could be interesting but want more information.
  • Data Supporters: people convinced of its value but who aren't experts themselves
  • Data Lovers: need no explanation. They want to be left alone with their data.

To the haters, well, we feel you and we thank you for showing up given you want to avoid data at all costs. At 15% of those who responded, we're just happy you're still part of our community.

We knew we had a fair amount of Data Lovers. We love engaging with those of you in the Shareablee community always asking us for more metrics. 57% of people who responded are self confessed obsessives.

Data Supporters, we hear you and at just under 30% of respondents, we know we can do more to help inform your decisions but it’s great to see you showing up flying the flag for sophisticated metrics.

There was one group that didn’t show up at all and it’s not who we expected. Missing were the Data Curious, who need to know more to decide how they feel about data but they’re open to the conversation.

So, our commitment to you is to keep finding interesting and engaging ways to tell the data story.

It’s not always easy, but that’s our challenge and we hope you’ll check in with us every so often or visit our YouTube page and see what’s new.

If you want to dip your toe in, try our free webinar next week on branded video. Our CEO Tania will be there, and you can hear from her first hand about how to create powerful experiences backed by what we hear and see in the data every day.

As for me, if you have any feedback on how I can fuel your data curiosity on social, drop me an email anytime. If you still want to participate, you can still add your answer to the poll.

For more details contact us.