- 17 septembre 2017

China: Understanding Online Video Consumption at the Programme Level

Comscore recently launched Extended Video in China. This new offering delivers programme-level insights into online video consumption, providing granular data on content viewed, audience composition and engagement across the video ecosystem on a weekly and daily basis. An analysis of the multi-platform and mobile data revealed some key findings:

Smaller audiences can be more valuable for TV drama views

  • During the week of 30 January – 5 February 2017, “三生三世十里桃花” led the market in terms of both audience scale and total videos.
  • However, despite having the third largest audience, “孤芳不自赏” achieved over 43% more views than “射雕英雄传”, which had a larger audience.
  • Other examples of shows that outperformed their viewers ranking were “于成龙”, “微微一笑很倾城” and “乱世丽人行”.

Digital video offers diverse audiences by programme

  • Data from the week of 30 January – 5 February 2017 shows how age demographics varied dramatically when consuming digital video content.
  • In contrast, the most watched show for under 25s “于成龙” did not even make the top 10 for the older demographic.
  • Nuanced habits such as these present very actionable consequences for both advertisers and content developers, who can find digital audiences in a granular manner.

The power of online syndication for video

  • Whilst exclusive programmes have the power to draw large audiences, the scale and on-demand nature of online distribution means that syndication can yield many views.
  • Data from the week of 30 January – 5 February 2017 shows how some syndicated programmes across the web achieved over 4 times as many views as even the most popular exclusive programmes.
  • Content owners and advertisers must carefully weigh the value of exclusivity when examining their reach and frequency objectives in a digital world.

To learn more about Comscore Extended Video, please contact us or download our product overview.