- 12 aprile 2012

Turkey and Ireland Have Highest Penetration of Sports Sites in Europe

Nearly 177.1 million internet users (45.8 percent reach) in Europe visited a Sports site in February, representing an increase of 15 percent in the past year. Sports sites reached 70.7 percent (16.4 million users) of the internet audience in Turkey, the highest penetration for the category across Europe. Globally, Turkey ranked a close second for penetration of Sports sites behind only the United States (70.9 percent). Ireland also proved to have keen sports fans with nearly 70 percent of the online audience accessing these sites, followed by Spain (65.9 percent) and the UK (64.3 percent).

For more information, read the press release titled ‘Nearly Half of European Online Audience Visit Sports Sites'

Top 5 European Markets for Sport Sites February 2012

Ulteriori informazioni

Rankings Sports