A cosmetic brand wished to gain local market level TV viewership insights for their broad-based, target, and own 1P audiences to reach them where they are making purchase decisions.
An agency would like to buy airtime for their cosmetic brand on a station in Chicago, that has the overall highest reach across the brand's broad-based, target, and first party audiences during Late Fringe
The Solution
The cosmetic brand client identified their three target audiences. Using Comscore TV Local, the client was able to see which station in Chicago, during Late Fringe, best reached all three of their targets.
F25-34 who have bought cosmetics in the last 30 days
F25-34 subscribers to cosmetic brand’s annual distribution list
The agency identified Station A as having the overall highest reach across all three of their target audience segments, during Late Fringe in Chicago. As a result, the agency was able to optimize their budget by reallocating campaign spend in-flight.