Decisions based on the knowledge of the audience

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En un mundo complejo y en constante cambio, las empresas deben actuar ante el entorno competitivo con respuestas que guíen su negocio hacia el éxito.
En Comscore, medimos lo que es importante para usted, para ayudarlo a tomar decisiones oportunas basadas en nuestros insights multiplataforma. Conozca los 4 niveles de soluciones de insights*:
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Studies based on surveys and passive registration that allow us to identify the total impact to the brands of multiplatform campaigns and social networks.


Digital Context

We develop studies that allow us to identify how the digital environment is transformed by new services and players in the market.

Digital Context

Digital Commerce

From the combination of census data and surveys, we develop solutions to understand digital spending behaviors of consumers.

Digital Commerce

Fast Research

We conduct quick turnaround studies to answer specific research questions. These studies can be run independently, or can utilize one of Comscore's main differentiators, linking to large-scale audience data.

Fast Research

Industry Omnibus

We develop studies with contributions from multiple stakeholders, that allow us to obtain results for each category or industry.

Industry Omnibus

Beneficios principales