Consumable Partners with Comscore to Showcase Incremental Audience Reach

Jordan Beaudoin
Jordan Beaudoin
Client Success Manager
Comscore Digital Data Helps Audio Advertisers Maximize Campaign Reach

As the industry leader in cross-platform media measurement, Comscore offers advertisers and networks the ability to determine their potential reach across desktop and mobile devices. While this measurement does not strictly focus on audio streaming consumption, it is helpful for audio suppliers like Consumable to determine audience universe sizes and showcase their overall potential reach so that audio advertisers and media buyers can optimize their campaigns.

The Scenario

A media buyer would like to expand their streaming audio media buys in the US beyond the three major streaming services (Pandora with Sirius, iHeart, and Spotify) to maximize reach, but is not sure which audio network partners to proceed with. They want to determine if Consumable Network is a viable audio advertising partner.

The Solution

Comscore MMX Multi-Platform allows users to analyze site overlap and deduplication metrics across platforms and competitive sets. This allows media buyers to determine the incremental potential reach that a publisher or network could add to their campaign.

Number 1


Run an Audience Duplication report to identify the combined potential reach of a set of media entities. In this case, Consumable Network’s private alternate rollup entity, alongside major audio streaming services.

Number 2


Remove Consumable Network from the Audience Duplication report selection to determine the combined reach of the audio streaming services without it. Then, calculate Consumable Network’s incremental potential reach by subtracting the second unduplicated reach number from the first.

Number 3


Download both Audience Duplication reports into an Excel file, manually include the incremental reach calculation, and distribute the file to stakeholders and decision-makers to showcase the value of adding Consumable Network to a media buy.

The Results

Adding Consumable Network to the existing streaming audio buy presents the potential to reach an additional 47.8M+ unique visitors, a 25% increase in reach.* The media buyer decides to proceed with a Consumable Network partnership.

+47 M

growth in potential audience reach when adding Consumable Network

*Reach statements are based on the potential unduplicated reach of the combination of media entities and are not necessarily reflective of actual campaign reach.

Source: Comscore MMX ® Multi-Platform, Custom Reporting, Audience Duplication, iHeartRadio Network, Pandora SiriusXM Media, Spotify, Consumable Network private alt-rollup, Total Audience, June 2024, U.S.