Crafting Gamer Audiences with Comscore’s Plan Metrix

Jeanette O'Connor
Jeanette O'Connor
Client Success Specialist
Comscore digital insights helped Dexerto understand their target audience with deeper psychographic targets

Discover how Comscore's insights reveal deeper audience psychographic profiles, empowering the creation of targeted strategies and enhancing engagement through cross-platform measurement in Plan Metrix.

The Scenario

Dexerto wanted to develop a deeper understanding of their target audience beyond the standard age and gender demographic targets to optimize creatives and partnerships.

The Solution

Comscore utilized its cross-platform Plan Metrix product, offering critical insights into behavioral and attitudinal targets across desktop and mobile. This enabled Dexerto to develop a detailed persona beyond demographics, tailoring strategies to better engage their target audience on their site.

Number 1

Report Setup

Utilize contextual targeting based on advance behavioral interests within the reporting phase, focusing on character profiles to refine strategic insights.

Number 2

Analyze the Landscape

Start by uncovering the core interest of the target audience. Then examine how advanced audiences engage with various brands, sites, and industries to identify what drives their engagement. Focus on understanding their behaviors and preferences, particularly within the context of Dexerto’s site interactions, to develop nuanced character profiles.

Number 3

Execute Strategy

Execute a strategy that reflects Dexerto’s persona insights. Tailor content and messaging to resonate with the audience’s specific characteristics and interests, aiming to drive engagement effectively across all marketing channels.

The Results

Dexerto developed a deeper psychographic dive of its audience as well as insights that helped guide creative for converting likely customers and appealing to brand partners.

Key Insights

  • Gamers* are 41% more likely to be the first among their friends to buy new technology gadgets when released
  • Gamers* are 30% more likely to prefer bundled vacation packages more than planning vacations by themselves

Dexerto Audience Profile