Ranker Partners with Comscore to Showcase the Incremental Reach of Their Social Audience

Shawn Finnerty
Shawn Finnerty
Client Insights Specialist
Comscore MMX with Social Incremental reporting empowers Ranker to showcase the strength of its total audience reach across total digital

See how Social Incremental can show a true total audience inclusive of site, app & social.

The Scenario

Ranker wished to showcase the strength of their TOTAL digital audience network across site, app, and social, with the hypothesis that their social reach would provide partners and advertisers with a new visitor not reached on their site and app.

The Solution

Comscore MMX with Social Incremental is the first-to-market solution that provides a deduplicated view of TOTAL audience reach across desktop, mobile, and social as well as the incremental audience reached on social – all within the flagship MyMetrix digital audience measurement suite.

Number 1


Analyze the distribution of visitors across O&O and Social.

Number 2


The incremental reach that social adds to O&O across metrics.

Number 3


The incremental brand awareness that is generated from social.

The Results

Ranker’s Total Audience saw a 4x increase in Unique Visitors when including Social Incremental Reach going from 9.2 Million Unique Visitors to 37.4 Million Unique Visitors. In October 2023, Ranker was able to capture its total audience reaching a milestone of 20% of all US internet users.

Social alone is driving 76% of that 37 Million, equal to about 28.4 Million of those Unique Visitors with 6% (about 2.2 Million) from users who visited both Social & Desktop/ Mobile.


of Audience Reach driven by Social


increase in Audience Reach driven by Social


Total Unique Visitors


Total Unique Visitors

Comscore MMX with Social Incremental Reporting