Use Comscore Campaign Ratings to Understand Incremental Reach to Audiences Not Exposed On TV

Matthew Wiesemann
Matthew Wiesemann
Senior Manager, Marketing
A major programmatic DSP leveraged CCR Local to understand the incremental reach of local market audiences not exposed on linear TV

CCR reporting can provide a person-level understanding of linear incrementality by publisher and platform at a national or local market level to demonstrate the effectiveness of digital targeting and frequency capping capabilities. Are you ready to learn what CCR can do for your cross-platform ad campaigns?

The Scenario

A programmatic DSP seeks to showcase the effectiveness of digital targeting capabilities in compliment to linear TV in core local markets.

The Solution

Number 1

Step 1

Implement CCR using Comscore’s easy-to-append digital tag to capture valuable deduplicated Reach, Frequency, and Unique Audience metrics across both standard age and gender and extended demographic audiences at a local market level.

Number 2

Step 2

Measure the complete campaign flight to strategically analyze market and partner level linear incrementality.

Number 3

Step 3

Optimize audience targeting strategies to efficiently re-allocate campaign spend and update targeting for optimal ROI.

The Results

Platform and publisher specific reporting allowed the client to understand Reach, Unique Audience, and Incremental Reach to Linear TV within each market, providing actionable insights into how to best re-allocate campaign spend and update targeting for optimal ROI and emphasizing the effectiveness of targeting capabilities in compliment to linear TV.

  • While Chicago reached the largest share of the market, Miami drove 9% more linear incrementality, accessing those hard-to-reach audiences not exposed on Linear TV.

Reach, Unique Audience, & Incrementality by Market>
Source: Comscore Campaign Ratings – Local – Blinded Client Study Q4’23