2025 State of Programmatic Report
Political advertising has become a massive business, especially during presidential election cycles, and is giving the advertising industry a much-needed boost this year. Spending on political advertising in 2016, in fact, could reach a record $11.6 billion, 20 percent more than the last comparable election year of 2012, which in turn had far surpassed 2008 figures, according to Borrell Associates. And, like previous election years, broadcast television is still where the lion’s share of that spending will occur, even at a time of lukewarm growth in that media platform compared to the percolating digital sector.
In the following article entitled “The Power of Political Advertising: Lessons for Practitioners,” Comscore Co-Founder and CEO Gian Fulgoni is joined by Comscore VP of Political Technology Carol Davidsen and Comscore VP of Marketing and Insights Andrew Lipsman in describing the combined use of data analytics, creative messaging, and social media in the 2012 and 2016 political campaigns—strategies that, they believe, commercial advertisers should take better advantage of to improve efficiencies and effectiveness in their own marketing efforts. The article was recently published in the September 2016 issue of the Journal of Advertising Research and is reprinted with permission.
We invite you to read the full article, which can also be found on the Advertising Research Foundation website.