2025 State of Programmatic Report
From desktop/laptop computers to smartphones to tablets to game consoles, there are myriad ways for a brand to digitally engage with consumers. The traditional “softer” measures of advertising engagement—attitudinal shifts in brand recall, likability and purchase intent, along with harder measures of sales lift—often are used to measure consumers’ engagement with digital advertisements. And while they all still have value, the computerized nature of digital also means that many other engagement metrics—from clicks, to viewability, to “Likes” and “Shares”—are available today.
In the following article entitled “In the Digital World, Not Everything That Can Be Measured Matters” Comscore Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Gian Fulgoni identifies the metrics that matter to marketers’ return on advertising investment (ROI) versus those that either are nice to know or downright misleading. The article was recently published in the March 2016 issue of the Journal of Advertising Research and is reprinted with permission.
We invite you to read the full article, which can also be found on the Advertising Research Foundation website.