2025 State of Programmatic Report
Q1: What sets Comscore’s data apart from other companies’ data?
Comscore has partnerships with all the major social platforms, including TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. With access to all this big data, we are uniquely qualified to teach you how to leverage this AI machine to be able to contextualize and cluster your audience insights to gain a larger view of who you are targeting, what your target groups interests are, and which sites and platforms they frequent. Comscore’s interface allows clients to intuitively navigate the data realm in order to receive comprehendible data automatically fit for use.
Q2: Why was the Personas tool created?
Personas was created in direct response to client feedback. They told us how brands, publishers and agencies are all yearning to know more about their audience beyond simply age, gender, and region. So, we listened and meticulously designed the Personas interface, alongside other groundbreaking tools like Affinity. We understand that you, our clients, needed this data broken down in order to determine what content to create and how to craft your winning media plan to capture and engage.
Q3: What client feedback have you been hearing when people see the Personas feature?
Overall, the feedback has been extremely positive. The data platform has helped optimize content creation and allowed brand marketers to reach their audience and connect with them in a holistic way. On the publisher side, our platform has been used successfully as a prospecting tool and has aided in identifying the best products and partners for their audience.
Q4: Can you explain how available and accessible Personas is?
Personas is always-on. Comscore, in general, is moving towards a new sense of always-on, always available information. Our social platforms are refreshed on a quarterly basis to stay up to date and in the moment with your audience since, as we all know, content, interests and trends change so frequently.
Q5: Is there a single tool in the platform that you think complements Personas?
Definitely! The strongest complement for the Personas feature is Affinity. Personas provides the answer to “who is your audience?” and Affinity answers the question of “what brands intersect with you and your audience?” Once you use Personas to unlock the details of your audience, you can then view the types of other brands and industries that that audience of that brand also engages with. It allows for clarity on who the best partnerships might be with, or what kind of theme is appealing most to your audience. Alongside Affinity, Branded Content Power Suite (BCPS) also has the ability to complement Personas beautifully. With BCPS you can see the total reach potential of audience members based on specific interests across Facebook and Instagram. There is much more to learn about these two features, so stay tuned!
Learn more about Comscore’s Personas at our webinar on October 19, 2022, at 11 AM ET. Click here to register now.
Comscore Total Digital delivers complete digital intelligence across web, mobile and social with one intuitive, always-on interface.
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