2025 State of Programmatic Report
I’m proud to tell you that on Tuesday Comscore announced that it will be sponsoring the planting of more than one million trees through its new initiative, Comscore Trees for Knowledge. The trees will be planted in developing nations across the globe as part of the incentive program that Comscore uses to recruit and retain Internet users for its global panel.
The initiative is in partnership with the non-profit organization Trees for the Future, which has planted nearly 50 million trees throughout developing nations in Central America, Africa, and Asia. Not only do the trees provide environmental benefits by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (one mature tree removes about 50 pounds of carbon dioxide each year just to give you an idea), but they improve the livelihoods of those living in these communities.
Check out the video below from Trees for the Future to see the impact trees can have around the world as told by its fascinating founder Dave Deppner.