2025 State of Programmatic Report
Mobile platforms and tools have revolutionized online interactions and changed the way brands reach and communicate with their audiences. The fashion industry is no exception to these transformations, and has been adapting to new formats. These strategies have been effective, creating significant digital presence for the category on handheld platforms and boosting their overall digital footprint.
In November 2016:
Total Desktop Unique Visitors (000) and % Reach by country in Latin America in the Beauty, Fashion, Style Category.
It is no surprise that mobile devices have altered the digital landscape significantly in recent years, but the highly visual Beauty / Fashion / Style category has especially benefitted from the larger screens of tablet devices, as demonstrated in Mexico where more people visit on tablets than the Retail, Travel and Weather categories. This is especially impressive considering that the retail category includes huge brand-name sites like Ticketmaster, eBay and Amazon.
Latin America’s largest fashion and beauty sites on Desktop
Yahoo Style & Beauty Network leads the Beauty / Fashion / Style category in Latin America with 5.9 million unique visitors on desktop, followed by the Brazilian websites Rede MdeMulher with 4.5 million unique visitors and UOL Lifestyle with 4 million unique visitors.
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