2025 State of Programmatic Report
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The media landscape as we know it is rapidly changing, driven by the expansion of consumer viewing habits from TV alone to the combination of digital platforms and TV. Although millions of consumers continue to watch their programming from the "traditional" TV platform, consumers who connect with content via mobile and the Internet represent an important and growing segment of the population. This complex television ecosystem poses a variety of new challenges for media companies, marketers and advertising agencies as consumers embrace new platforms for their TV consumption.
Marketers have called out for clearer understanding of digital measurement. The paper discusses Comscore’s major initiatives that resulted from these calls-to-action, including new insights that were uncovered, methods used and key learnings. Specifically, this presentation reviews our work for US Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement (CIMM), NBC’s multi-media Olympics coverage and ESPN’s Project Blueprint. It shows how these initiatives can help establish best practices to guide future research, and provide important highlights about what’s coming next.