2025 State of Programmatic Report
RESTON, VA, and CAMBRIDGE, MA, September 10, 2007 – Comscore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today announced the results of a new study conducted with Forrester Research, Inc. (NASDAQ:FORR) that examined consumer motivations in abandoning applications for online financial products, including checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, auto insurance, brokerage accounts, mortgage loans, home equity loans, and personal loans. The study, which revealed that 54 percent of online financial product applicants abandon applications prior to submitting, examines some of the reasons why these abandoners chose not to complete the application online. The study was based on behavioral data from Comscore’s panel of more than 2 million people worldwide, plus an email survey of 568 applicants who had abandoned an application for a financial product online.Of those who initiated an online financial application but did not submit it, 49 percent said that they had no intention of completing the application. This percentage was higher for deposit product applicants (58 percent) and substantially lower for credit card applicants (32 percent). The top reasons cited by those who did not intend to complete the application included:
Those who started an application with the intention of completing it, but who ended up abandoning the application cited the following reasons for not completing the application:
“As more consumers research and purchase financial products on the Web, the importance of understanding application abandonment will increase,” said Forrester Research Senior Analyst Brad Strothkamp. “This study provides clear evidence that today’s financial services sites have a ways to go at both understanding and solving this important issue.”The report, “Why Financial Shoppers Abandon Online Product Applications,” is currently available to Forrester RoleView clients and can also be purchased directly at http://www.forrester.com/Research/Document/0,7211,43143,00.html About ComscoreComscore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world. This capability is based on a massive, global cross-section of more than 2 million consumers who have given Comscore permission to confidentially capture their browsing and transaction behavior, including online and offline purchasing. Comscore panelists also participate in survey research that captures and integrates their attitudes and intentions. Through its proprietary technology, Comscore measures what matters across a broad spectrum of behavior and attitudes. Comscore analysts apply this deep knowledge of customers and competitors to help clients design powerful marketing strategies and tactics that deliver superior ROI. Comscore services are used by more than 700 clients, including global leaders such as AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo!, BBC, Carat, Cyworld, Deutsche Bank, France Telecom, Best Buy, The Newspaper Association of America, Financial Times, ESPN, Fox Sports, Nestlé, Starcom, Universal McCann, the United States Postal Service, Verizon, ViaMichelin, Merck and Expedia. For more information, please visit www.comscore.com.
About Forrester ResearchForrester Research, Inc. (NASDAQ: FORR) is an independent technology and market research company that provides pragmatic and forward-thinking advice to global leaders in business and technology. For more than 24 years, Forrester has been making leaders successful every day through its proprietary research, consulting, events, and peer-to-peer executive programs. For more information, visit www.forrester.com .© 2007, Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. Forrester and RoleView are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc.
PressBill DaddiDaddi Brand Communications646-370-1341press@comscore.com