September 16, 2014

France Top 20 July 2014

July 2014 highlights:

  • In July 2014, 42.3 million people in France went online via their desktop PC or laptop. 83% of the total online population also watched videos online, equaling 35.2 million Unique Viewers.
  • Google lead the website ranking with 39.4 million unique visitors, followed by Microsoft Sites with 28.2 million and Facebook with 26.4 million unique visitors during July 20014.
  • With the summer holidays, Groupe SNCF drew more visitors to its sites, reaching #17 spot at 9.8 million unique visitors.
  • saw a 33% growth since June 2014, jumping to the #15 spot at 12.8 million unique visitors in July.

NB: Total Internet Population and Property UV estimates have been impacted by an enumeration update, which has been applied with July 2014 data release.

Top 20 Online Properties in France by Unique Visitors (000)
Source: Comscore MMX, France, Age 6+, July 2014

Top 20 Online Video Publishers in France by Unique Viewers (000)
Source: Comscore Video Metrix, France, Age 6+, July 2014

Top 10 Online Ad Video Properties in France by Unique Viewers (000)
Source: Comscore Video Metrix, France, Age 6+, July 2014

* Video Ad Networks
† Video Platforms/SSPs/DSPs/Ad exchange