2025 State of Programmatic Report
*In April 2014, [P] Schibsted Media Group was overstated due to the inclusion of MILANUNCIOS.COM for Spain data. The revised data are: UV (000) 9,722 ; PV (MM) 621
**Total Digital Population: Includes PC, Smartphones and Tablets.
*In April 2014, [P] Schibsted Media Group was overstated due to the inclusion of MILANUNCIOS.COM for Spain data. The reviewed data is: UV (000):9,565 ; PV(MM): 621.
**For April 2014 [P] Unidad Medios Digitales, [M] Elmundo.es Sites, [C] ELMUNDO.ES, [S] Elmundo.es Yodona, [M] Expansion Sites and [C] EXPANSION.COM were underreported for Spain data.