2025 State of Programmatic Report
Transform your campaign analytics with personified market-level reporting, offering person-level insights across PC, Mobile, CTV, and linear. With a single tag, CCR provides one reach number, de-duplicating audiences across all screens and allowing you to measure ROI at a platform and partner level by understanding the incremental reach and audience that was not exposed on linear.
Traditional ratings have left gaps in measurement, particularly when it comes to household viewing and co-viewing. Elevate your marketing efforts with personified market-level campaign insights powered by the strongest linear footprint and best local coverage available, covering 1 in 3 U.S. TV Households and more than 99% of all U.S. ZIP codes.
Daily reporting provides advertisers with valuable insights into which campaign strategies are working and where spend should be re-allocated based on over/under delivery. Understanding where audiences were exposed to a single platform versus multiple platforms allows clients to optimize platform-specific campaign strategies and identify which partners provide the most value
1. New York, NY
2. Los Angeles, CA
3. Chicago, IL
4. Philadelphia, PA
5. Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX
6. Boston, MA
7. Washington, DC
8. San Fran-San Jose, CA
9. Atlanta, GA
10. Houston, TX
11. Tampa-St. Pete, FL
12. Detroit, MI
13. Phoenix, AZ
14. Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
15. Seattle, WA
16. Denver - Aurora, CO
17. Miami, FL
18. Orlando, FL
19. Cleveland, OH
20. Sacramento, CA
21. Charlotte, NC
22. St. Louis, MO
23. Raleigh-Durham, NC
24. Pittsburgh, PA
25. Portland, OR
26. Baltimore, MD
27. Indianapolis, IN
28. Nashville, TN
29. Hartford-New Haven, CT
30. Kansas City, MO
31. Milwaukee, WI
32. San Diego, CA
33. Salt Lake City, UT
34. Columbus, OH
35. W. Palm Beach, FL
36. Cincinnati, OH
37. Greenville-Spartanburg-Ashville, SC-NC
38. San Antonio, TX
39. Austin, TX
40. Harrisburg-Lancaster, PA
41. Las Vegas, NV
42. Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo, MI
43. Norfolk-Virginia Beach, VA
44. Jacksonville, FL
45. GSO-Winston-Salem, NC
46. Oklahoma City, OK
47. Birmingham, AL
48. Louisville, KY
49. Buffalo, NY
50. Ft. Myers-Cape Coral, FL
51. Memphis, TN
52. Providence, RI
53. New Orleans, LA
54. Albuquerque, NM
55. Richmond, VA
56. Albany-Schenectady, NY
57. Wiles Barre-Scranton, PA
58. Knoxville, TN
59. Mobile-Pensacola, AL-FL
60. Fresno, CA
61. Dayton, OH
62. Tulsa, OK
63. Green Bay-Appleton, WI
64. Little Rock, AR
65. Lexington, KY
66. Honolulu, HI
67. Rochester, NY
68. Flint-Saginaw, MI
69. Omaha, NE
70. Tucson, AZ
71. Des Moines, IA
72. Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA
73. Toledo, OH
74. Spokane
75. Madison, WI
76. Portland, ME
77. Wichita, KS
78. Huntsville, AL
79. Charleston-Huntington, WV
80. Springfield, MO
81. Columbia, SC
82. Syracuse, NY
83. Harlingen-Brownsville, TX
84. Chattanooga, TN
85. Charleston, SC
86. Colorado Springs, CO
87. Burlington-Plattsburgh, VT-NY
88. Myrtle Beach-Florence, SC
89. Springfield-Champaign, IL
90. Cedar Rapids, IA
91. South Bend-Elkhart, IN
92. Savannah, GA
93. Waco-Killeen, TX
94. Baton Rouge, LA
95. Shreveport, LA
96. Paducah-Cape Girardeau-Carbond, KY-MO-IL
97. Jackson, MS
98. Greenville-Jacksonville, NC
99. El Paso, TX
100. Johnson City-Kingsport, TN
Unlock Comscore's Market-Level Cross-Platform Measurement in The Trade Desk
Comscore Campaign Ratings simplifies the complex world of audience measurement, providing a single source of truth for understanding your audience while gaining control over your marketing budgets and elevating your advertising strategy beyond topline reach and frequency metrics.
We use the largest digital opt-in panel and census network to provide the most robust digital reporting in the marketplace, our footprint covers 99% of all U.S. Zip Codes. Passively-collected second-by-second deterministic set-top-box viewership data across 75M+ televisions sourced directly from our partnerships with MVPDs. Best-in-class device graph and massive scale of data assets.
We’ll confidently help you embrace the future of advertising sales with newfound opportunities. Contact us today.