2025 State of Programmatic Report
We are in an unprecedented situation with the coronavirus pandemic, which has impacted the movie industry across the world. Comscore is hosting a weekly webinar where we will focus on its effects across India.
The webinars offer a space for dialogue with all stakeholders on the impact of the pandemic, the way forward and the road to recovery. During these sessions, hosted by Rajkumar Akella, Managing Director of Comscore Movies India. Our panelists will discuss a variety of topics including current concerns among exhibitors, preparing for relaunch, programming in a period with fewer new releases, and the latest modelling forecasts for box office 2020.
May 7, 2020
Making Movies in times of Corona
India's leading film makers discuss the impact of Corona pandemic on Production and Creative aspects of movie making in the post lock down scenario and how much movies will change in days to come.
April 16, 2020
The Impact of The Corona Pandemic On India’s Single Screens
Does the Corona Pandemic pose the gravest threat to the survival of the 7000 Singles screens of India that have been surviving despite numerous challenges or is it an opportunity to reinvent?
April 8, 2020
A Dialogue with the Stakeholders In the Times Of A Pandemic
Major stakeholders from all three sectors ( Production , Distribution & exhibition) of Indian Movie Industry assess the impact of the Corona pandemic and the way forward.
Read our ongoing updates on shifting consumption trends and the resulting impact on the advertising and media industries on comscore.com/Coronavirus.
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