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New Reporting, Which Aligns with Comscore’s Existing E-Commerce Data, Shows 1H 2013 M-Commerce Spending Surpassing $10 Billion
RESTON, VA, August 27, 2013 – Comscore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today announced the availability of Mobile Commerce (m-commerce) sales estimates by product category occurring on both smartphones and tablets. This new capability aligns with Comscore’s existing e-commerce sales estimates, enabling retailers, marketers, publishers and financial services companies to gain insight into the trends and market dynamics driving the emerging m-commerce sector.
“While mobile devices are already extremely influential in the overall buying process, they are also beginning to drive a meaningful percentage of digital commerce,” said Comscore chairman Gian Fulgoni. “One out of every ten consumer e-commerce dollars is now spent using either a smartphone or a tablet, and growth in this segment of the market is outpacing that of traditional e-commerce by a factor of 2x, which itself is growing at rates in the mid-teens. Any channel shift has the potential to be disruptive to established revenue streams, and it would appear that m-commerce spending has reached enough of a critical mass that key stakeholders must begin to address this new market dynamic today or risk losing competitive advantage.”
Comscore’s new m-commerce measurement capability builds upon its existing top-line tracking of m-commerce spending that began collection in 2010. New measurement functionality provides greater detail at the platform level (i.e. smartphones vs. tablets), in addition to spending by product category, and measurement of m-commerce sales for selected leading retailers. The data leverages a proprietary methodology based on consumer surveys that are calibrated to Comscore’s behavioral e-commerce measurement.
M-Commerce Spending Achieving $5 Billion in Sales per Quarter with Significant Y/Y Growth
M-Commerce spending reached $4.7 billion in Q2 2013 with a growth rate of 24 percent vs. year ago. For the first half of the year m-commerce spending accounted for $10.6 billion, representing 10 percent of total digital commerce during that time. With the expected seasonal surge in Q4 spending, m-commerce could surpass $25 billion for the full year.
M-Commerce Spending by QuarterQ2 2010 – Q2 2013Source: Comscore M-Commerce Measurement
Spending($ Billions)
Q2 2010
Q3 2010
Q4 2010
Q1 2011
Q2 2011
Q3 2011
Q4 2011
Q1 2012
Q2 2012
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013
Q2 2013
Smartphones Drive Higher Share of M-Commerce than Tablets, But Lower on a Per User Basis
M-Commerce spending for the first half of 2013 indicates that smartphones drove a considerably higher share (6.0 percent) of total digital commerce than tablets (3.5 percent). While smartphone users outnumber tablet users by a factor greater than 2x, the average spending per device owner is actually 20 percent higher on tablets. This is likely a function of the platform’s higher income demographics and its greater similarity to the desktop experience due to its larger screen size.
The top-ranked product categories in total m-commerce sales for the first half of 2013 were Apparel & Accessories, Computer Hardware, and Event Tickets, while Video Games, Consoles & Accessories showed the highest percentage of digital commerce spending occurring via m-commerce (23.7 percent). The illustration below shows platform share breakdowns for several of the heaviest m-commerce product categories.
Share of Total Digital Commerce Spending by PlatformSelected Leading Product CategoriesQ1-Q2 2013Source: Comscore M-Commerce and E-Commerce Measurement
Share of Total Digital Commerce by Platform
Total Digital Commerce
Apparel & Accessories
Computer Hardware
Consumer Packaged Goods
Consumer Electronics
Event Tickets
Subscribe to Comscore M-Commerce Measurement DataClients in the Financial Services sector interested in subscribing to Comscore M-Commerce measurement should contact Irena Simakova (isimakova@comscore.com) for more information while all other clients should contact John Mangano (jmangano@comscore.com).
About ComscoreComscore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in digital measurement and analytics, delivering insights on web, mobile and TV consumer behavior that enable clients to maximize the value of their digital investments. For more information, please visit www.comscore.com/companyinfo.
Contact:Kate DreyerComscore, Inc. +1 (571) 306-6447press@comscore.com