Digital Future in Focus
Planning in a Multi-Platform World
State of the Canadian Online Retail Market
While digital commerce continues to remain steady in Canada, the sector is clearly boosted with mobile usage driving an increasingly meaningful contribution to the sector. The mobile consumer audience...
Illuminate Your Digital Advertising: Finding Light in Today’s Complexity
How Mobile is Transforming the Digital Commerce Landscape
Xmas toy shopping – Men spend longer on toy sites than women
With Christmas around the corner, UKOM takes a look at festive trends in the retail sector. In the first of a series of insights on Christmas shopping, the focus lies on toys. UKOM approved Comscore d...
Activating Inventory: 3 Key Lessons for Publishers to Unlock Hidden Revenue
Devices & Demographics: How Dutch women shop online
Comscore Releases Japan SIM-Free Mobile Phone User Insights for May to July...
Understanding Parents Online
Multi-Platform Measurement in Chile
Digital-native Millennials embrace ‘traditional’ media outlets
Comscore in Journal of Advertising Research on How Data Analytics, Social M...
Mobile Audience Campaign Measurement Arrives in Canada and the UK
Millennials Use More Apps, but Spend a Greater Share of Time on Top Apps
Facebook retains Social Media crown for UK Millennials