2025 State of Programmatic Report
In 2014, the digital world has grown enormously and changed the way Mexicans interacted with technology and how they consumed media. More than at any other time in history, the changes seem to be a key turning point in the evolution of the various markets and behaviors.
Among the most important findings of the presentation, Ivan Marchant, Comscore Vice President of Mexico covered how desktop usage in Mexico is one of the highest worldwide, above European countries like Italy and only behind Brazil in Latin America. Online video consumption has grown 68% in the last year, where within video viewers, Facebook slightly surpassed VEVO.
The News and Information category has the largest number of unique visitors from both smartphones and tablets with 21.5 and 3.3 million users respectively. Android continues to dominate the smartphone market for another consecutive year.
To end the presentation, Comscore in collaboration with Shareablee, reviewed a case study of the largest social account, Club America, in Mexico during 2014. Club America had generated the greatest engagement on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram with more than 3.8 million total shares. This was one of the topics that was shared the most on Twitter throughout the day of the presentation with the hashtag #FuturoDigital.
Download the full infographic
The infographic below highlights the most important findings of the 2015 Mexico Digital Future in Focus: